53. Maximum Subarray

Solving the problem of finding the maximum subarray in C++.

Felix Pultar
Felix Pultar

The Problem Statement

This problem is taken from LeetCode.

The Solution - Kadane's Algorithm

It is very easy to end up with a solution that is $O(N^2)$ or $O(N^3)$ in time complexity by comparing all possible subarrays. The challenge is to find a solution that is only $O(N)$. In the following solution, we will only go once over all elements. The intuition for the solution is the fact that we can discard any subarray that is followed by a subarray with a higher sum. For example, if we consider the sequence [-2, 1, -3, 4], the subarray [1] has a higher sum than the initial subarray [-2, 1]. All subarrays that follow from [-2, 1] will consequently also be smaller than equivalent subarrays that are derived from [1] alone. We can thus safely stop computing solutions for the former. The following code implements this concept:

class Solution {
    int maxSubArray(vector<int>& nums) {
        // Kadane's algorithm, dynamic programming
        int max = nums.front();
        int current = 0;
        for (auto num : nums) {
            current = std::max(num, current + num);
            max = std::max(current, max);
        return max;

We keep track of the global maximum max and the sum of the currently considered subarray current. At each step, we compute if the subarray resulting from current + num is bigger than num alone. Subsequenly, we check if we have reached a new global maximum max. As a result, we achieve $O(N)$ time complexity and $O(1)$ space complexity. The algorithm is called Kadane's algorithm and is an example of dynamic programming.